Saturday 26 March 2022

The actual test Donald Trump repeatedly boasted about on Fox News

The other day, results of cognitive and language tests of Trump voters came to the fore. No surprises there but it became apparent there is some confusion about the test that Donald Trump keeps bragging about on Fox News and in his speeches. 
To put an end to this matter in a clear and precise way, here's the actual test Donald Trump had to do after he had won the presidential election of November 2016. It is an instance of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test. This test is widely used.

It is highly unlikely Trump did this test because he can only react. He does not concentrate and cannot think. And his narcissism forbids him to put himself in a position where he can be found out. This test will find out. 

Trump must have protested against the test saying something like "I need not do the test, look at me, I have the highest IQ, everybody can see that." What must have happened is that the army general, who was present, 'explained' each question and each item to Trump, thus giving away the answers. 

Trump voters cannot digest that Trump is insane in at least four ways. This makes him playable. Like Putin did. On Monday, July 16, 2018, at the Helsinki press conference, people could not believe their ears. Read the e-book Predicting Donald Trump, Understanding a Stable Genius.

Reference: Darren E Sherkat, Cognitive Sophistication, Religion, and the Trump Vote, November 8, 2020, Southern Illinois University System, Carbondale, Illinois, USA.

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