Sunday 29 September 2019

Predicting Donald Trump, predictive eBook now out!

Get your copy to free yourself from the influence of Donald Trump

The eBook Predicting Donald Trump, Understanding a Stable Genius lets you predict and understand the news cycles with regard to Donald Tump. Get it (e.g. Buy Here or your regular eBook store) and regain your calm.
American lawyers in the background have been delaying the publication of this book for six weeks.
Although of late Donald Trump is walking an erratic self-destructive path, his words and actions can be predicted with surprising accuracy. This book contains an in-depth explanation of the predictive factors.

The book Predicting Donald Trump, Understanding a Stable Genius is a non-political, cold-blooded analysis of the person who dominates our daily news cycles.

Thursday 26 September 2019

How Boris and Dominic will win the war in spite of losing all battles

Brexiting. A series on being English. # 12

It is quite remarkable what is happening in the UK. A small elite, that sought to reduce taxes for itself, played in 2016 on the English cultural idiosyncratic idea that the English are superior human beings. They did this by claiming they were governed from Brussels (untrue) and that the English taxpayer had to furnish up 350 million pounds a week to Brussels (untrue) that could better be spent on the NHS (true but the money will be spent by reducing taxes for the elite and therefore also untrue).
Their problem is  that after almost three years, many in the UK have come to the understanding they have been lied to, and so there will not be a majority for Brexit any more. This is what causes the total deadlock.
The elite has won the first round