Sunday 15 September 2024

Brexit was the betrayal of the young by the old

Brexiting. A series on being English. #16

If the Brexit referendum were held in 2024, the Remain vote would outnumber the Leave vote by at least 4 million, not including the people who regret having voted for Brexit. If the latter were included, an estimated 70% would vote for Remain.
It was the generation over 50, the baby boomers and society builders born between 1946 and 1976 and the older folks who voted for Brexit while the people born after that voted for Brexit.
Since, 2.8 million Brexit voters have died. The difference in 2016 was 1.3 million in favour of Brexit.

Tuesday 3 January 2023

Why not even French people speak French.

You may be surprised to hear that not every French person speaks all the French he/she is supposed to. This makes learning French difficult. You need to know at least three levels of French before, with some ease, you can engage in French in a pub. Let me explain.

I have been trying my French since primary school and failed to be able to order a meal when I was 18. When I stayed for half a year in Paris, however, I discovered one should think of French on 5 different levels. Words and expressions from lower levels may penetrate higher levels but it is a slow process. Eventually, they wind up in the Larousse dictionary.

The language spoken on the streets and in the brasseries (pubs)

Monday 2 January 2023

Low acceptance levels are the bane of societal progress

Debriefing scene movie Aliens 1986

An experience shared by many is that people in general tend to accept only what they already know or have experience of. A complicating factor is that people want a commonality of knowledge or experience, for this commonality makes them feel safe. They do not want to stand out. People who do, tend to be ostracized. Listen to conversations at dinner tables and even speeches in congresses. One would expect people to dare address the new in those places but only minor deviations are deemed acceptable and these are then only addressed in a facetious way or, as in scientific circles, as a posited reason, phenomenon, or explanation, in other words, as a suggestion or proposition, not as a fact. 

The low acceptance level of people stems from

Tuesday 29 November 2022

The baffling reason why Trump is called Donald

A secret letter has been discovered where the father of Donald J. Trump bestows his wisdom upon young Donnie. We now know why Donald Trump is not called Joe, Pete, or anything.

The letter conveyed fatherly advice on how to tackle the world. Knowing that Donald had trouble remembering things, the letter also gave Donnie a trick to remember the wise words by. The trick was that all words of Fred Trump's advice started with a D.

This is the letter that Little Donnie got on his 18th birthday:

"Dear son, 

The old Romans already knew that the world wanted to be Deceived, so deceive it and you will come out on top. 

Now, if anyone finds you out, remember the first letter of your name and do what that letter tells you. First Distance yourself from it. If that does not work or happens to be impossible, Do the following:

- Deny (you knew or Deny it was bad)

- Distort (by creating chaos) or, even better, Distract (by creating bigger chaos elsewhere)

- Delay

If that does not help, then pick any or all of the following Devices and Do that.

Tuesday 6 September 2022

Cult expert tells how to deflate the Trump balloon and pop his cult into oblivion.

Top psychologist and ‘The Cult Of Trump’ author explores the mindset of MAGA Republican’s blind loyalty to a dangerous autocrat. 

Although I do not agree with what this psychologist says about the brain and so on, I agree with everything this brave man says regarding the Trump cult and the person of Donald Trump who has proven himself to be the most dangerous person on this planet today. 

Trump is destroying the USA in its capacity as rock-solid guard of democracy. If America goes fascist, as Trump and his cronies try to do, all of the world will follow. All of a sudden all wanna-be autocrats, wanna-be dictators, criminals and other low-life feel free to start their journey toward suppression of the freedom of the masses. 

"We need worldwide education on how the mind works." I could not agree more. We also need worldwide education on how ruthless people use the weaknesses of the human mind to make people into obedient zombies who can't think nor perceive anymore. 

You can find how mass manipulation works and the history of mass persuasion here ( and 

Saturday 26 March 2022

The actual test Donald Trump repeatedly boasted about on Fox News

The other day, results of cognitive and language tests of Trump voters came to the fore. No surprises there but it became apparent there is some confusion about the test that Donald Trump keeps bragging about on Fox News and in his speeches. 
To put an end to this matter in a clear and precise way, here's the actual test Donald Trump had to do after he had won the presidential election of November 2016. It is an instance of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test. This test is widely used.

It is highly unlikely Trump did this test because he can only react. He does not concentrate and cannot think. And his narcissism forbids him to put himself in a position where he can be found out. This test will find out. 

Trump must have protested against the test saying something like "I need not do the test, look at me, I have the highest IQ, everybody can see that." What must have happened is that the army general, who was present, 'explained' each question and each item to Trump, thus giving away the answers. 

Thursday 17 March 2022

Money for Tavares excessive, or is it?

 Money for Tavares excessive, or is it?

Carlos Tavares, the CEO of Stellantis said “the EV cost burden is 'beyond the limits' for automakers”, in other words, it is impossible to turn Stellantis into an EV company. And yet the Dare Forward 2030 plan asks him to do so with 75 models (sic) and 5 mln car sales/yr. The sacrifice of his happy life to achieve this will be ‘compensated’ for with €220 million if he succeeds. Tavares already earns more than twice as much as the next legacy car CEO in Europe, Diess, i.e. €19 mln versus €8 mln. CEO Zips of BMW got €5.3 million and Kelanius of Mercedes-Benz had to make-do with €5.9 million.

This situation raised quite a few eyebrows in Paris where excessive CEO payments are severely frowned upon and not a few people want to limit them. Fortunately for Tavares, his paymaster is a Dutch holding company. But the question remains. Why? How come? Here’s the straight yet convoluted answer.

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Brexit explained to laymen in 10 seconds flat.

Brexiting. A series on being English. # 15

The fine kettle of fish pictured above tells it all. These people were and are disingenuous about Brexit and themselves.

Brexit was done to keep EU scrutiny of rich folk's personal finances at bay, especially of Arron Banks and Jacob Rees-Mogg. Brexit was sold as "take back control" by Nigel Farage, and he was brilliant at it, I must say. Brexit was spruced up with gut fears of criminal immigrants (exactly according to the playbook Steve Bannon devised for Donald Trump and Cummings). That's all. 

And now both remoaners and brexiteers are talking about daily economics and contend that Brexit is a disaster. Brexit has and had nothing to do with ordinary people or national interests. In the light of the purpose of Brexit, Brexit was and still is a huge success for

Wednesday 23 June 2021

The Law of Multiple Causes. The definite tool for understanding and handling chronic problems


A problem is a point where several counteracting forces are acting upon at the same time.

A chronic problem is a situation that will not go away, whatever you do. 

Examples of the latter are easily found in health and politics. But they abound everywhere. I bet you can think of perhaps a hundred of them yourself unassisted. That is how common they are.

How to proceed? There is a natural law, an immutable law, which will help analyse and solve your problems. I found it in 2012 and published it then but was remiss not to communicate it on a broader scale

We are talking about The Law of the Multiple Causes.

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Brexit is about 'the cut'. Or why complaining about Brexit damage makes no sense to Brexiteers

Brexiting. A series on being English. # 14

If your thoughts about the possible causes of Brexit are becoming too entangled, you can understand it in one simple phrase that includes everything: Brexit is an application of the principle of 'the cut' in English culture. The idea that continentals would be equal or even above English people was too much to bear for the vast majority of the English. That is what caused Brexit and nothing else. 

There are a lot of British blogs and vlogs talking about the economic and political damage of Brexit. They try to prove Brexit was wrong and do that by showing where the pain of Brexit is being felt. This makes no sense because Brexit was not about economics or politics. Which is why the mainstream media are not reporting on Brexit damage and Brexit problems, or, otherwise, simply put the blame on the EU.It could never be the English who are at fault, could it?

The downfall of trade and the virtual disappearance of the farmers and fishing industry, and other industries that may follow, is just collateral damage. The landed gentry may even regard the disappearance of farmers as a bonus: they now will have wider hunting grounds.😄

Monday 31 May 2021

Why science, and perhaps everything, is flawed.

Are you aware that mathematicians and physicians and economists and political theorist and countless other scientists say that their science is flawed? It is an amazing observation.

The flaw is that they have taken the human element out of it and then, afterwards, say something is wrong or missing. 

In essence, people invent a statement or rule and although this is actually a premise, they call it 'truth'. The next step is that they develop a whole world of on top of it. 

It happens in religion (theïstic or not), mathematics, statistics, music, politics, in the explanation of societies and economics, physics, investing, the list is long . It cannot be understood without

Wednesday 19 May 2021

The real Golden Rule


The GOLDEN RULE used to be:

Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to yourself.

or its variant: 

Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

BUT .....


A Nigerian banker once confessed to me:

“Oh, but I do apply the golden rule, too, you know.   

It reads: He who has the gold, makes the rules.


If there are no guns involved, most of business and diplomacy becomes more easily to comprehend.

Amsterdam, May 19, 2021

Charles van der Hoog
philospher of culture