Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Brexit explained to laymen in 10 seconds flat.

Brexiting. A series on being English. # 15

The fine kettle of fish pictured above tells it all. These people were and are disingenuous about Brexit and themselves.

Brexit was done to keep EU scrutiny of rich folk's personal finances at bay, especially of Arron Banks and Jacob Rees-Mogg. Brexit was sold as "take back control" by Nigel Farage, and he was brilliant at it, I must say. Brexit was spruced up with gut fears of criminal immigrants (exactly according to the playbook Steve Bannon devised for Donald Trump and Cummings). That's all. 

And now both remoaners and brexiteers are talking about daily economics and contend that Brexit is a disaster. Brexit has and had nothing to do with ordinary people or national interests. In the light of the purpose of Brexit, Brexit was and still is a huge success for

Arron Banks and Jacob Rees-Mogg did not come under EU scrutiny. Arron could stay out of jail and Jacob could avoid paying lots of taxes while making money in the process. Trust funds support BoJo, so they are safe, too. All the rest is uninteresing and irrelevant to BoJo and his ilk as it does not concern them personally except when it is election time but that is still years away.

Arron Banks is almost a billionaire, he incited Nigel Farage to separate the UK from the EU so that Banks would not come under any scrutiny initiated by curious EU officers. There are many articles about this. For instance in The Independent HERE. Just google their names together. Allegedly, Arron Banks uses his diamond mines in South Africa to whitewash diamonds from elsewhere. Just have a look at his dealings.

Layman explanations about Brexit are brilliantly done by the indomitable Stephen Fry that you can find on YouTube, e.g. HERE, and recently also on Facebook video

This is my last post on Brexit as in 2021 it has become obvious what the results of Brexit were for the nation and how disinterested the Brexit promoters in the Tories were and still are in the daily problems the populations of the UK encounter. They control the press and the BBC which means the population at large is largely unawares of the problems that are brewing. 

You will see that 'taking back control' is impossible for two reasons. The first being that the UK never lost control over itself. All EU rules and laws have been approved by the UK government first and then the UK parliament in Westminster. The second reason is that if you want to export goods and services to other nations, you must comply with the rules and laws of those other nations. In fact, the UK is now weaker than ever as it is subject to the whims of 194 nations on this planet without having the clout to do something about it. But the people living off their family trusts do not care, it does not affect them in any ways.

So, feel free to judge for yourself whether Brexit was good or bad. I think your viewpoint much depends on whether you are English and whether you feel safe in your income.

Amsterdam, September 29, 2021

Charles van der Hoog, M.Sc.

philosopher of culture

Picture:  Brexit Shambles site.

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