Showing posts with label Understanding Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Understanding Donald Trump. Show all posts

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Cult expert tells how to deflate the Trump balloon and pop his cult into oblivion.

Top psychologist and ‘The Cult Of Trump’ author explores the mindset of MAGA Republican’s blind loyalty to a dangerous autocrat. 

Although I do not agree with what this psychologist says about the brain and so on, I agree with everything this brave man says regarding the Trump cult and the person of Donald Trump who has proven himself to be the most dangerous person on this planet today. 

Trump is destroying the USA in its capacity as rock-solid guard of democracy. If America goes fascist, as Trump and his cronies try to do, all of the world will follow. All of a sudden all wanna-be autocrats, wanna-be dictators, criminals and other low-life feel free to start their journey toward suppression of the freedom of the masses. 

"We need worldwide education on how the mind works." I could not agree more. We also need worldwide education on how ruthless people use the weaknesses of the human mind to make people into obedient zombies who can't think nor perceive anymore. 

You can find how mass manipulation works and the history of mass persuasion here ( and 

Saturday, 26 March 2022

The actual test Donald Trump repeatedly boasted about on Fox News

The other day, results of cognitive and language tests of Trump voters came to the fore. No surprises there but it became apparent there is some confusion about the test that Donald Trump keeps bragging about on Fox News and in his speeches. 
To put an end to this matter in a clear and precise way, here's the actual test Donald Trump had to do after he had won the presidential election of November 2016. It is an instance of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test. This test is widely used.

It is highly unlikely Trump did this test because he can only react. He does not concentrate and cannot think. And his narcissism forbids him to put himself in a position where he can be found out. This test will find out. 

Trump must have protested against the test saying something like "I need not do the test, look at me, I have the highest IQ, everybody can see that." What must have happened is that the army general, who was present, 'explained' each question and each item to Trump, thus giving away the answers. 

Monday, 25 June 2018

Brexit: "Straight as she goes, Mr. Baines"


Brexit: "Straight as she goes, Mr. Baines"

Brexiting. A series on being English. # 08

Today, 25 of June, 2018, Bloomberg  reports that European businesses have begun to anticipate a hard Brexit. The headline reads "EU Businesses Cut U.K. Ties on Brexit and Want Britain Punished". 
In my early posts on Brexit, nrs. 2, 4 and 7, I predicted the English would not give in to "them Contintentals". That was a year ago. As it stands, the prospects of a 'hard Brexit', i.e. without a negotiated exit deal, are higher than ever. It is not a negotiation tactic, it is English (not British) mentality. As predicted, a large part

Sunday, 11 June 2017

The superior English Mind (Jenny and her shotgun)

Brexiting. A series on being English. # 04

The superior English Mind (Jenny and her shotgun)

Nothing enrages conservative English people more than the idea that other people in the world may know better. The notion is scoffed at, laughed about, ridiculed. To an Englishman who considers himself well-educated (Oxford, Cambridge, Aberdeen and wanna-bees) that is simply inconceivable.
This conviction is ingrained so deeply in the English mind that 'a foreigner' is being considered an inferior being, just by the mere fact that he or she has not been born and raised in England proper. Anyone familiar with Agatha Christie's Poirot detective stories remembers how the English invariably put Poirot away as "a foreigner" and therefore, ipso facto, a person who, by his nature, is incapable of understanding what is going on.
During my studies in England, I stayed with some students in a country house run by an old lady who, in her younger and more vulnerable years, had been raised in India. There, she had learned to fend for herself and had become a good shot.