Monday, 31 May 2021

Why science, and perhaps everything, is flawed.

Are you aware that mathematicians and physicians and economists and political theorist and countless other scientists say that their science is flawed? It is an amazing observation.

The flaw is that they have taken the human element out of it and then, afterwards, say something is wrong or missing. 

In essence, people invent a statement or rule and although this is actually a premise, they call it 'truth'. The next step is that they develop a whole world of on top of it. 

It happens in religion (theïstic or not), mathematics, statistics, music, politics, in the explanation of societies and economics, physics, investing, the list is long . It cannot be understood without

understanding what truth actually is . You may want to read the following article: The Impossibility of Truth : .

In some fields of human interaction, like sales, propaganda, advertising and public relations, you cannot take the human element out of it, otherwise you will fail. 

There exist techniques to influence people that will make you president or prime minister, or cause your country to leave its most precious alliance, or make your population want to go to war with its neighbours, or worse, and there exist techniques to become a billionaire from investing, as Warren Buffett and his partner continually say. All those techniques take the human mind and spirit into account; but this human element is completely missing from what they call the exact sciences, like mathematics, physics and astronomy. No surprise, scientists who try to advance their field of exact science start calling it 'imperfect', 'faulty'. One of the reasons exact science scientists hate the human element is that they have been forced by priests or oombahpoombah men to include the most absurd nonsense in their science on penalty of being ostracised at best or being burned alive at the stake at worst. So, the scientists were extremely happy to leave those crazies alone. Well, there you have it.

Personally, I follow Donald J. Trump closely because I am in awe of his ability to impose his will on people. He is the ultimate oombahpoombah man of Western civilisation (I don't know other civilisations well enough to include them). Trumpism is the latest example of such a 'body of knowledge' fantasized out of the blue and imposed upon a population. Americans are bombarded with it on a daily basis. Perhaps dangerous to democracy in the USA but funny to everyone outside of the USA. A professional conman dreams up something to guarantee he can stay out of jail and 37 million people think he is a demigod and that he therefore handed them a body of god-given truths. An absolutely brilliant propagation of someone's mind. Actually, we may all be in a daily game of trying to persuade others to accept our self-created bubble. But that is another matter.

Here are some links that give live examples of the above. Some of it is funny, most of it is flabberghasting.

If you ever wondered why we do not have clean energy, anti-gravity machines, space travel like UAP's do, well, here is your answer. Our basic sciences are flawed.

On science:

Physics and space explained by a scientist while acknowledging what I wrote here:!%3F (Dutch translation available in June 2021.)

On mass persuasion techniques:

 Om conspiracy theories:,29569,1860871,00.html

Or simply use the search term "conspiracy theories" in a search engine site.

(Fun fact: The "confused math lady" meme comes from a Brazilian telenovela called Senhora do Destino. The meme features star Renata Sorrah and the original scene actually has nothing to do with math.)


Amsterdam, May 31, 2021, Charles van der Hoog (US: Charles VanderHoog), philosopher of culture

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