Monday, 31 May 2021

Why science, and perhaps everything, is flawed.

Are you aware that mathematicians and physicians and economists and political theorist and countless other scientists say that their science is flawed? It is an amazing observation.

The flaw is that they have taken the human element out of it and then, afterwards, say something is wrong or missing. 

In essence, people invent a statement or rule and although this is actually a premise, they call it 'truth'. The next step is that they develop a whole world of on top of it. 

It happens in religion (theïstic or not), mathematics, statistics, music, politics, in the explanation of societies and economics, physics, investing, the list is long . It cannot be understood without

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

The real Golden Rule


The GOLDEN RULE used to be:

Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to yourself.

or its variant: 

Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

BUT .....


A Nigerian banker once confessed to me:

“Oh, but I do apply the golden rule, too, you know.   

It reads: He who has the gold, makes the rules.


If there are no guns involved, most of business and diplomacy becomes more easily to comprehend.

Amsterdam, May 19, 2021

Charles van der Hoog
philospher of culture