Wednesday, 1 April 2020

On the competition of nations, #02. The basic factor.

The basic factor that determines the power of a nation is the mental condition of its population.

From this we derive the maxim that the mental condition of a population determines its competitive power.

This is a broad, sweeping statement, yet if not heeded, a nation will fail.

The general conception of understanding the world, as offered by news media and many pundits, is
that the power of a nation depends upon the intelligence, integrity ('goodness') and strength of its leadership. The news is almost about nothing else but the people in governments. From that, news agencies and pundits tend to conclude that the power of a nation is dependent upon the mental condition of its leadership. But it is not. The leadership of a nation, often conflated (confused) with its government, is a result of the mental condition of its population. If the population has low ethics standards, its leadership will have that, too, and so will its government. At the time of this writing we see this clearly in the USA because it is being reported on widely on a daily basis but this natural social law goes for every nation and bad leadership or criminal government can be found in many countries today. Just follow the news.

Strength of leadership shows by having sound and inspiring goals.
The intelligence (data, context, understanding data and context, plus smartness) with which these goals are found and formulated, determine the power of these goals.
It is a terrible thing to say that Ghandi and Churchill offered their people highly inspiring goals, but so did Hitler and Lenin. All four created immense power out of nothing, just by the power of their goals and the determination to attain to them.
There exist special techniques for finding such goals. I happen to know them.

The power of inspiring and smart goals is overlooked because it is politically incorrect to look at the black side of things. Unfortunately for the misguided and cowed scientists, the blathering and confused philosophers, and some screaming weaklings in the press, the political incorrect side of things is just as real and must be taken in consideration for the realities of the world to be evaluated properly.

With regard to scientific and philosophical methodology we touch here upon the subject of "What is Truth?". It suffices to refer to the article "The Impossibility of Truth" that I had to yank from this blog to get my book Predicting Donald Trump, Understanding a Stable Genius published (I have come to hate American lawyers) but I will put it up again in a different and more extensive form when I can find the time and energy for that.

Now back to the discourse of the basic of competitive power.
The goals that determine the competitive power of a nation have to be in a distant future and not easy to obtain. And such goals should be for the benefit of the populations involved, not just for the benefit of one person and his crew or some tiny elite. The goals of a nation should be obtainable by competence in execution and by benevolence. When war is used to attain to lofty goals, it may work for a while but then you have to install competence, justice and benevolence, otherwise the new structure will crumble like a house of cards. We have seen this in recent history. To stay on the politically correct side for a change, the Pax Romana was widely welcomed and could be kept in place for about 500 years. 

If a population is healthy and mentally strong, its leadership will have to accomodate to the wishes and demands of that population, otheriwse the leadership will be toppled, either with violence as in a revolution, or peacefully like in a democratic election. Neither method is ideal but that is all we have got.
News agents look at the shortcomings and inconveniences that politicians show and blame them. News pundits think they can influence government by criticizing and evaluating it. The developments in the UK and the USA in 2019 prove that this is not a correct assessment. Populations have a culture that changes only slowly. They are influenced by education, information and misinformation campaigns, disinformation campaigns and propaganda. Of course, there are overlaps with news media, but the news media bring news, which is different from the other factors in that it is timely and only temporary. A population makes up its own mind from a bedrock of cultural mores.

It can now be concluded that focussing on governments alone is bad reporting. Better reporting would be about the people who have put the politicians there. It is the mental condition of those people that have determined the kind of people in government.

The interaction between government and the population creates the wealth of a nation.
The culture of a nation determines the strength with which it can compete with other nations.
The mental condition of a population and its culture are in a reciprocal relationship but because only a change in the mental condition of a population can change a culture, the mental condition of a population is the bedrock on which the whole edifice of a nation, culture, economy, power has been built or, if you prefer, has grown..

Compare the cultures of Germany, Japan, China, California with other nations. Check out Korea, Vietnam, India. Compare Scandinavian countries with Italy and Greece. Try to figure out why India is just big but has never been able to compete.

On the Competition of Nations #02. The Basic Factor.

Amsterdam, April 2, 2020

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