Sunday, 13 August 2017

English love Brexiting, especially when it hurts

English love Brexiting, especially when it hurts

Brexiting. A series on being English. # 07

(See corroboration below.)
English favour heroes that suffer. In real life and on film.
Wasn't The Charge of the Light Brigade in the Krimean War in 1854 the pinnacle of heroism? Aren't the existential losers like Mr. Bean, Monthy Python, Basil, Tommy Cooper, The Absolutely Fabulous immortal heroes of the screen?
The most favoured heroes of the English culture have a plus and a minus. They are safe to love
for they have one or more shortcomings that makes their errors  easy to accept and forgive.

Cheerfully, the real English voted for Brexit in such an overwhelming majority, that the opponents of Brexit could not prevent it. Most opponents to Brexit were Scottish, Irish, people in modern cities like London, and 'integrated foreigners'.
Brexit is an English affair, not Scottish, not Welsh, not Irish, not metropolitan. Brexit would aversely affect their lives and livelihoods, but that was no matter. "The utter disgrace of having to do the bidding of 'Continentals', those inferior monkeys with their endless altercations, quarrels and wars. How many times didn't that go so bad that the English had to intervene to sort it all out and put an end to it? Well, that is all over now. Thank God. We have our sovereignty back! Rule, Brittania! Long live the Queen and all that."
At last, it is up to themselves "to play up", as they call it.

The immense cost of Brexit is a big plus, image-wise, for it gives Brexit the irresistible aura of a type of heroism that few 'foreigners' may understand. The bill sent by the EU alone is estimated at almost a100 billion euros (20190402: it was negotiated down to €39 billion, eventually). And then there are opportunity costs to suffer in trade, banking, politics, perhaps even in the military. But that is no matter. Hooray for the re-won independence and freedom. In other words, Real English all love England so much, nothing else matters.


Addition of 2 April 2019
Channel 4, Reporting on the failed Brexit vote of 1 April 2019 reports that the actual cost of Brexit since the vote in 2016 has been 600 million pounds sterling PER WEEK, corroborating this blog article. Click here for the interview (14:10 minutes in).

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