I have been trying my French since primary school and failed to be able to order a meal when I was 18. When I stayed for half a year in Paris, however, I discovered one should think of French on 5 different levels. Words and expressions from lower levels may penetrate higher levels but it is a slow process. Eventually, they wind up in the Larousse dictionary.
Observations and insights evaluated from a practical and cultural philosophical perspective especially why nations and people behave as they do.
Tuesday, 3 January 2023
Why not even French people speak French.
Monday, 2 January 2023
Low acceptance levels are the bane of societal progress
An experience shared by many is that people in general tend to accept only what they already know or have experience of. A complicating factor is that people want a commonality of knowledge or experience, for this commonality makes them feel safe. They do not want to stand out. People who do, tend to be ostracized. Listen to conversations at dinner tables and even speeches in congresses. One would expect people to dare address the new in those places but only minor deviations are deemed acceptable and these are then only addressed in a facetious way or, as in scientific circles, as a posited reason, phenomenon, or explanation, in other words, as a suggestion or proposition, not as a fact.
The low acceptance level of people stems from