Wednesday, 23 June 2021

The Law of Multiple Causes. The definite tool for understanding and handling chronic problems


A problem is a point where several counteracting forces are acting upon at the same time.

A chronic problem is a situation that will not go away, whatever you do. 

Examples of the latter are easily found in health and politics. But they abound everywhere. I bet you can think of perhaps a hundred of them yourself unassisted. That is how common they are.

How to proceed? There is a natural law, an immutable law, which will help analyse and solve your problems. I found it in 2012 and published it then but was remiss not to communicate it on a broader scale

We are talking about The Law of the Multiple Causes.

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Brexit is about 'the cut'. Or why complaining about Brexit damage makes no sense to Brexiteers

Brexiting. A series on being English. # 14

If your thoughts about the possible causes of Brexit are becoming too entangled, you can understand it in one simple phrase that includes everything: Brexit is an application of the principle of 'the cut' in English culture. The idea that continentals would be equal or even above English people was too much to bear for the vast majority of the English. That is what caused Brexit and nothing else. 

There are a lot of British blogs and vlogs talking about the economic and political damage of Brexit. They try to prove Brexit was wrong and do that by showing where the pain of Brexit is being felt. This makes no sense because Brexit was not about economics or politics. Which is why the mainstream media are not reporting on Brexit damage and Brexit problems, or, otherwise, simply put the blame on the EU.It could never be the English who are at fault, could it?

The downfall of trade and the virtual disappearance of the farmers and fishing industry, and other industries that may follow, is just collateral damage. The landed gentry may even regard the disappearance of farmers as a bonus: they now will have wider hunting grounds.😄