Life needs art that's alive.
In Barçelona, bass player and arranger Joan Chamorro runs a music school for young highly gifted musicians. Andrea Motis has been his prime talent, on stage since she was five.
Here she is singing (CLICK) about happiness in a song by Antonio Carlos ("Tom") Jobim and Vinícius de Moráes, both of The Girl from Ipanema fame.
The beautiful lyrics of A Felicidad go like this: (this is Brazilian Portuguese, TRANSLATION BELOW by Charles VanderHoog)
Tristeza não tem fim (Sadness knows no end)
Felicidade sim (But happiness does)
A felicidade é como a gota (Happiness is like a drop)
De orvalho numa pétala de flor (of dew on a flower petal)
Brilha tranquila (quietly glittering)
Depois de leve oscila (after a light tremor)