Thursday 26 September 2019

How Boris and Dominic will win the war in spite of losing all battles

Brexiting. A series on being English. # 12

It is quite remarkable what is happening in the UK. A small elite, that sought to reduce taxes for itself, played in 2016 on the English cultural idiosyncratic idea that the English are superior human beings. They did this by claiming they were governed from Brussels (untrue) and that the English taxpayer had to furnish up 350 million pounds a week to Brussels (untrue) that could better be spent on the NHS (true but the money will be spent by reducing taxes for the elite and therefore also untrue).
Their problem is  that after almost three years, many in the UK have come to the understanding they have been lied to, and so there will not be a majority for Brexit any more. This is what causes the total deadlock.
The elite has won the first round
with lies and does not want to risk another referendum because some of its lies have been exposed as such.
Their strategy is now to manoeuvre in such a way that there is no way out. This enables them to blame the opposition and the EU for the hard Brexit.
The chances of winning the election happen to be good, by the way, for the leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, lacks wide appeal and can be put away by the elite as a Marxist of the wrong kind.

As it happens, the Eton-Oxford elite plays upon the desire that is lodged deeply in all people in the Western civilisations which is to be free, as a positive incentive on the one hand, and a deep fear of being controlled by a 1984 dystopian government like the Soviet Union was, as a negative on the other hand. The latter element works especially well in England itself because of the superiority complex of a majority of the English, or of what is called Little England. The last thing English want is to be governed by non-English people. (An extensive description of this phenomenon can be found in my favorite post of June 17, 2017, (CLICK) The Superior English Mind (Jenny with her shotgun).)

But for wars and revolutions, cultures tend to change at a glacial pace. Therefore, the above may still be a winning strategy, all figured out by Dominic Cummings in 2016, here pictured with his tool, Boris Johnson, a former Remainer turned point man for Brexit to become PM.

Boris Johnson will of course have to come up with some kind of deal whatever it is, purely for public relations reasons. Although that deal will amount to little, he will be able to use that to win the election if it comes to that. He will use the flimsy agreement to make a no-deal Brexit look like a Brexit-with-a-deal.

It simply means, that Boris Johnson will ask for another extension, then the deadlock will continue, and eventually a hard Brexit will transpire anyway. Exactly like predicted in my blog article of March 7. 2019, Hard Brexit inescapable (CLICK).

The Philosopher of Culture, Amsterdam, 26 September 2019

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